以"T"开头查询到 33 条西文期刊记录。
刊名 ISSN 出版社 出版年
1. The Wall Street journal. Dow Jones, 1959-
2. The Journal of business law. Stevens,
3. The American economist. Omicron Delta Epsilon, Honor Society in Economics, etc.], 1960-
4. TESOL quarterly TESOL, 1967-
5. The Financial analysts journal. National Federation of Financial Analysts Societies, [c1960-
6. The Journal of fixed income. Institutional Investor, [1991]-
7. The Journal of development economics ,
8. The Rand journal of economics. Rand Corp., 1984-
9. The Review of financial studies. Published by Oxford University Press for the Society for Financial Studies, c1988-
10. Theoretical economics :: TE. Society for Economic Theory, 2006-
11. The Review of Asset pricing studies. Published by Oxford University Press for the Society for Financial Studies, c1988-
12. The Journal of consumer research. Journal of Consumer Research, Inc., etc.], 1974-
13. International Journal of Tourism Research John Wiley & Sons,Lt d.
14. The Journal of real estate research. American Real Estate Society, [c1987-
15. The Indian economic and social history review. Vikas Pub. House,
16. The Journal of economic theory The American Economic theory c1987-
17. The Journal of management studies. B. Blackwell, 1964-
18. The Accounting review. American Accounting Association, 1926-
19. The journal of advertising. Board of Directors, American Academy of Advertising, etc.]
20. The Journal of political economy. University of Chicago Press, 1892-
21. The British accounting review. British Accounting Association,
22. The Quarterly journal of economics. Published for Harvard University by the MIT Press [etc.], 1886-
23. The Review of economic studies. the Review of Economic Studies Limited, 1933-
24. The Review of economic and statistics. Harvard University Press,
25. Time. Time Inc.], 1923-
26. The Review of Corporate finance studies. Published by Oxford University Press for the Society for Financial Studies, c1988-
27. The World Bank economic review. World Bank, c1986-
28. The World economy. Basil Blackwell for the Trade Policy Research Centre, etc., 1977-
29. Tourism management. Butterworths, c1982-
30. The Journal of economic education. Helen Dwight Reid Educational Foundation, etc.], 1969-
31. The Journal of economic perspectives :: a journal of the American Economic Association. The Association, c1987-
32. The Journal of finance. American Finance Association], 1946-
33. The Journal of portfolio management. Institutional Investor Systems], 1974-