以"M"开头查询到 8 条西文期刊记录。
刊名 ISSN 出版社 出版年
1. Mathematical finance :: an international journal of mathematics, statistics, and financial theory. Basil Blackwell, c1991-
2. South Asian:Journal of South Asian Studies Arrowsmith [1934]
3. MIS quarterly :: management information systems. Society for Management Information Systems, c1977-
4. MIT Sloan management review. Sloan Management Review Association, MIT Sloan School of Management, c2001-
5. Journal of multivariate analysis. Academic Press, 1971-
6. Marketing science :: the marketing journal of TIMS/ORSA. The Institute of Management Sciences and Operations Research Society of America, c1982-
7. American economic journal: Microeconomics. American Economic Association, c2009-
8. American economic journal: Macroeconomics. American Economic Association, c2009-